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I'm dez,

and that cute pup in the corner is Rubi!

I'm a software engineer in the western united states who is totally craft obsessed.

But of course there is more to me than that! I'm a lighthearted goofball who loves her family; I'm a creative gal with too many hobbies; I'm a wife & dog lover who calls herself 'dog mom' in an ironic-but-also-kind-of-serious way.


My purpose in writing this blog is not only to share my crafty adventures, but also to talk about living an intentional life. The last year brought with it a lot of changes— some good and some not so good— and its prompted me to reevaluate many aspects of my own life: how I spend my time, my money, and, ultimately, my energy. I've had to be honest with myself about what things are out of my control versus what things I can actually change. I've spent a lot of time lately thinking about the ways we live and how we can improve ourselves, with the ultimate goal of living happier, more intentional lives.

I hope you'll be able to find some useful tidbits in my blog for you.

xoxo dez


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20210902_091152 (1)_edited.jpg

hi, i'm dez!

I'm a software developer by day & a creative by night.

Here I share my journey of trying to live a more intentional life.

I hope you find something that speaks to you!

Let the posts
come to you.

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