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October Makes 🎃

Here are all the things I made in October!

It's mostly crochet & sewing, but I also started learning to knit in October.

I'm also going to list my works in progress at the end, but remember that you can follow me on instagram for more realtime updates too!


Easy Breezy Beanies

These were awesome, definitely very easy. They're perfect for making your first beanie. Plus, there are patterns for different yarn weights so you have so many options!

(the white beanie is super chunky weight and the grey beanie is medium weight)


3D Masks

This mask wasn't terribly hard to make. Mine came out a little wonky, but I think the next one should turn out better!

These are really comfy because the shape holds the mask away from your mouth slightly.

Project Bags

I'm obviously obsessed with projects bags 😅

These are so fun to make & I use them so much! I currently have a project in every bag I've made and I can't wait to make more.


Knit Coaster

This is a super simple knitting project.

Its also the first thing I've ever knit! It had so many mistakes, but I still love it so much.

Next up for my knitting learning is a dishcloth & a scarf!


Butterfly Stitch Markers

I made these super simple stitch markers / progress keepers when I started knitting. I just think they're so cute & they give my projects a little bling when I'm working on them!

Works in Progress

Eloise Socks

I joined the #SpookySeasonSAL in October. While I didn't finish these socks during the month, I learned SO MUCH!

I had never made socks before and I truly think that making these ones upped my crochet level 🤯🙊 I feel so much more confident in my skills after making them!

Lacey Crochet Scrunchie

This one is just a tiny rectangle at the moment, but I'm really excited to see what it looks like when I'm done!


It was a pretty crafty month overall!

Let me know what you thought of this post -- did you like seeing everything I worked on this month?

Talk soon friends,

xoxo dez

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hi, i'm dez!

I'm a software developer by day & a creative by night.

Here I share my journey of trying to live a more intentional life.

I hope you find something that speaks to you!

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